Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Made it

Checked into my lodging in Camden a while ago and bought a hilariously British batch of goodies for breakfast (photo to come soon).  All in all it was a pleasant flight with a full and surprisingly adequate meal (way to go, British Airways!).  I'm in a bit of a time-warp after staying up all night so as not to miss my 4:30am car then snoozing a bit here and there on the plane. 

I had a window seat and love looking out the window and one very noticeable thing I saw right off the bat, after having flown on many domestic flights, was the absence of baseball diamonds.  Most people probably don't think about it much, but those weird clover-shaped clusters of dirt squares really stick out when seen from up in the air, and when they're gone, you notice!  What I did see, however, while landing in Heathrow was freaking Windsor Castle.  That was pretty awesome.  The American landscape is sorely lacking in the castle department.

Hope to get an early start tomorrow to walk around Regents Park, finally get some British cash (whoops, forgot to do that), and hit up some museums.

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